Welcome to Penguicast! Episode 6, July 2007. Presenting part one of two of "Life Extension."
First, some news. Thanks to David Crampton for pointing out that iTunes wasn't able to subscribe to the Penguicast feed. I've now fixed the compatibility problem using Feedburner. The new feed can be found at feeds.feedburner.com/Penguicon .
Penguicon's 2007 Science Guest of Honor was Christine Peterson, Founder and Vice President for Public Policy of Foresight Nanotech Institute. I'm going to introduce her in the recording, so for this episode I'll let the recorded introduction speak for itself, and go into more biographical detail in the intro to the next episode.
Our next episode will present the conclusion. Thanks to the Precursors Project for the use of their music, which can be found at medievalfuture.com/precursors. Penguicast is released under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivs 3.0 license. This means copy it and give it to all your friends as long as you give credit and don't sell it or change it. Please visit the Penguicon website at penguicon.org. Send email or audio files of your feedback to info@penguicon.org.